influxdb database not found


Auf dem System auf dem du Influx sichern willst, muss influxd auch installiert sein. Provide the IP address and port to the -host parameter when you run commands. Creating a new InfluxDB database. InfluxDB pre v1.1.0 users. Hallo zusammen, ich wollte eine InfluxDB anlegen. I’m new in this, and i have two big problems. In my monitoring … Hi mates, Hope you are all doing good, I am taking some time to work on my home assistant project and have few problem setting up influxdb. The InfluxDB API provides a simple way to interact with the database. hier als Text in Codeblöcke und nicht als Screenshots einstellst. Go to CLI and test your connection with influxdb CLI command. To resolve this issue, set all files in the InfluxDB directories to be … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Da ja mehrfach "Permission Denied" bei den Startversuchen als Fehlermeldung kommt, überprüfe doch mal die Berechtigungen sämtlicher Scripte und der ausführbaren Dateien auch in Bezug auf User/Group, die sollten ja laut influxdb.service auf … If your database API is configured on localhost:8086 you can run the following command: You have something wrong, e.g. typo in the DB name (maybe some white characters was added to the end during copy/paste) or URL is wrong (so DB can be right, it just sits on another server), .... Nobody will be able give you answer. Go to CLI and test your connection with influxdb CLI command. It worked. I checked the database I am using, but no columns have … Press J to jump to the feed. Dann musst du in Backitup in den Influx Einstellungen Remote wählen. Create a new retention policy named "forever": create retention policy "forever" on "collectd" duration 2d replication 1. Configuration. Later, I tried with influxdb/influxdb. You can connect to one specific database: $ use . 3. Also, try to start the InfluxDB daemon manually to see what happens: Grafana versteht sich aber auch mit MySQL oder ähnlichem gut. When you see this response you know that it is working: Type exit. See the InfluxDB API Reference documentation for a complete list of the available query parameters.. In den folgenden Abschnitten wird davon ausgegangen, dass Ihre InfluxDB-Instanz auf dem localhost - Port 8086 ausgeführt wird und HTTPS nicht aktivier. Hallo Gibt es eine Möglichkeit mit dem BackIpUp-Adapter auch eine InfluxDB zu sichern ??? And I have data in them. From there, in the current NSSM folder, run the following command (you need administrative rights to do it) > nssm install. Windows users who use InfluxDB Cloud to monitor their system will need to use the Windows System Monitoring Template. There is no GUI or web application built into InfluxDB 1.7 itself. By using a single database, the scope for each subsequent query will be limited to that database. Docker can serve as a good fit for many organizations as a virtualization environment that provides an easy way to … Please check the errors!! last edited by. Data Management: Retention Policy Management: CREATE DATABASE. I recently came across InfluxDB — it’s a time-series database built on LevelDB.It’s designed to support horizontal as well as vertical scaling and, best of all, it’s not written in Java — it’s written in Go. Hello, I'm trying to setup InfluxDB server to store Metric data from Proxmox (v6.1-3) servers, but I'm not getting VM data (nics/cpu etc). Datenbank betrifft, meine Vorgaben sind nur diese von der oben verlinkten Seite. InfluxDB Backup scheitert mit dem Error, siehe unten: BackItUp: Your backup was not completely created. Hi, I recently switched from Rasbian w/ Home Assistant to, because I figured it might be easier for updating etc. image … image 1210×386 21 KB. Click on the “Create bucket” option at the top-right corner of the window.

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